Better Choices. Less Harm.
Real time information to simplify your chemical risk management decisions for a cleaner, safer world.
One place for all your chemical insights.
Make sense of all your chemical data in one intuitive, collaborative, and searchable repository.
Our mission is to provide simple tools that improve efficiency in chemical management. That means you can spend more time on other things.
HazEL uses reliable data to simplify decision making. This helps people along the entire chemical supply chain, from farmers and growers, to regulators, chemical suppliers, users and insurance underwriters.
We support strategic decision making and ease the burden of chemical risk management.
Our proprietary HEAT model identifies chemicals of emerging concern (CECs) before they become a problem.
Agricultural Sector
Compare the products in your spray programme with other chemicals on the market. Easily prepare reports for Board level ESG reporting.
Prioritise chemicals for a reassessment programme and respond quickly to stakeholder concerns.
For both insured and uninsured risks, you have the ability to identify, assess and prioritise chemical risk exposures.