Sticky Business

It is the goal of every business to retain its clients. This is for two reasons 1) it is often more cost efficient to renew existing business rather than develop new clients, and 2) it is a measure of how valuable your product is to your customers. At HazEL, providing ongoing value to our users is our main focus. 

The current marketing terminology is stickiness, but repeat customer rates have been variably known as business retention, customer loyalty, churn etc. Trending terminology aside, when customers re-sign to your product, it is a reflection of how useful your product is to them. Customers choose to invest their money with you for a reason, be that ease of use, value for money, or convenience. Whatever the reason, we want to know.  

We want our customers to help us better serve their specific needs by letting us know how to make our product more useful to them. By listening and responding to such requests, we both build a better product, and provide a more valuable service. So, when it comes to the following year, the decision to renew is an easy one.  

As we enter our second year, we are very pleased to announce that our current clients are sticking with us. And that speaks volumes. 


As featured in NZEntrepreneur Magazine…


We welcome The Sustainable Care Company into the HazEL fold