Glyphosate Consultations and Reassessment, again

One of the original triggers for creating HazEL was the reassessment of Glyphosate by the US EPA. It was hammered home to me how desperate people are for a tool that offers some kind of heads-up if a substance is under review in a different jurisdiction, or has been deregistered, or if the community is starting to question its use. So the idea of HazEL was born.

Right now, ECHA and EFSA have an open consultation period on Glyphosate, which you can access here. In New Zealand, the EPAs call for further information on the use of Glyphosate closed on October 22, so we can see that the rumblings of questions about it’s use are ongoing.

I thought it would be useful to drop in a graph showing how Glyphosate compares to other agrichemicals in terms of relative toxicity and relative likelihood of exposure. HazEL certainly is powerful enough to help inform the conversations around it’s ongoing use.


Chemical Pollution


Pulling Back the Curtain (on chemical management)