Beautiful Simplicity

Last time I talked about Radical Transparency in the chemical supply chain. This time, I want to discuss Simplicity. I was talking recently with a group of scientists - experts in their fields - about our role in taking incredibly complex information, and translating that information into something simple, something in lay terms that people in other fields and walks-of-life can easily understand. We need to do that without oversimplifying or losing any of the value of the information that sits behind our analyses.

This is exactly what we at HazEL are trying to achieve. We take the complex world of chemical information and we make made it simple for our customers. BUT, we retain all the source information for each data point so that you can dig into the data and get as complex as you like, if that’s your buzz.

The key ideas underpinning the beautiful simplicity of HazEL are:

  • you can see where our data is sourced from

  • the tool is designed to skip data gaps and run the analysis anyway (Don’t worry - we alert you to gaps in the data)

We have chosen 42 parameters across human health and environmental fate to uniquely identify and compare chemicals, and this balance enables us to provide you with a reliable, robust source of chemical information, but it is beautifully simple.



Indoor Contaminants


Radical Transparency