Drinking water - the shrinking resource

The degradation of drinking water and related loss of aquatic life due to chemical contamination is a troubling issue around the globe. It’s estimated that by 2025 (yes only 3 years away), two-thirds of the world’s population may face water shortages www.worldwildlife.org/threats/water-scarcity. The World Health Organisation (WHO) says there is a pressing need to identify and prioritise chemicals of emerging concern from an “unmanageably long list” of possibly toxic chemicals.

We need a simple and cost effective way to develop a shortlist of priority chemicals so we can spend our time focusing on solutions.

Enter HazEL.

HazEL allows you to select the country you are working in and draws on the relevant drinking water guidelines (Australia, New Zealand, USA, Japan, the EU and WHO), and also includes water monitoring data so that you can rank and compare the most damaging chemical contaminants by region, and deliver a simple, rapid and cost effective shortlist of priority chemicals.

Let’s put our energy into solving problems, not defining them.


We welcome The Sustainable Care Company into the HazEL fold


Media are talking HazEL!