Media are talking HazEL!

Headlines are calling out the perils of the unregulated chemicals that abound in our ecosystems. From suggestions of penalising farmers for overuse of fertilisers (Stuff), to how ‘forever chemicals’ are linked to high blood pressure (Washington Post), or the unknown consequences of plastic food containers (Guardian), the issue of toxic chemicals is front and centre in today’s news.  

It can be overwhelming to be constantly bombarded with news that seems to have no upside - just a torrent of negative outcomes. But here’s where HazEL comes in.  

HazEL is currently building a clientele keen to change these negative outcomes. From cleaning agencies to agriculturalists to large chemical manufacturers, our clients are actively switching toxic chemicals for solutions that are kinder and gentler to the environment. We want to see our customers succeed in their businesses, while doing less harm. Which is why we work with them, side by side, to understand their needs and deliver a product that makes a difference - without breaking the bank. Sustainability is not just about the environment, business needs to be financially sustainable too.  

So, next time you read about the dangers and damage of chemical usage, please remember that there are viable alternatives, and that HazEL can help your business find them. 


Drinking water - the shrinking resource


In Support of the NZ Wine Industry