Meet the Team - Nick Jackson

Nick has many roles:

Nick started in the oil and gas industry in 1994 as a graduate geologist working on rigs in New Plymouth and then Western Australia.  He returned to Victoria University to complete his Masters in 1997.  After a brief stint travelling, including two years teaching English in Japan with now wife Tash, he returned to New Zealand and the oil and gas industry.  Recognising the need for an orderly transition to a more sustainable future, Nick co-founded Elemental Group in 2014 with three like-minded individuals (one of whom is our CEO Kate Bromfield).  Over time, Nick’s interests have honed in on providing energy solutions to local and global communities, to ensure both energy security and equity, as we transition away from our reliance on hydrocarbons.  In all endeavours, Nick looks for solutions that are win-win for all stakeholders, the environment and future generations.  His background in geosciences and time spent at Victoria University has informed this long term thinking and provided some enduring friendships with both fellow students and lecturers, some of whom are now in their 80’s and still enjoy a good keg party.

Nick enjoys the outdoors, Wanaka and Lake Rotoiti (the northern one) being favourite spots to spend time with friends and family, bound in to various modes of transport, sometimes gravity assisted, sometimes not.


Meet the Team - Alex Cliff


Meet the Team - Alan Buxton