Meet the Team - Alex Cliff

As the recipient of a Callaghan Innovation Careers Grant (2022), Alex Cliff joined HazEL to deliver robust analyses on the algorithms underpinning the unique ranking system. His research was designed to provide some confidence boundaries around the way we use information to rank and prioritise chemicals, and he has been developing a traffic light system within the tool that will alert users to the amount of data available to support their analyses.

An ardent problem-solver, he relishes this opportunity - and is learning a lot about the field of chemical risk management along the way. The many and varied applications of the tool (from multi-chemical contamination problems to best choices for agricultural spray programmes) deeply resonate with his passion for sustainability and the environment.

Alex has a degree in Chemical Bioprocess Engineering (Massey University) and has previously majored in Psychology, Linguistics, and Mathematics. Immediately prior to joining HazEL, he submitted his PhD thesis, which examined aspects of the accumulation of environmental phosphate in microalgae. He also holds a Certificate in Animal Care.

In his spare time, Alex enjoys reading, puzzles (especially cryptic crosswords), cycling, badminton, and craft beer. He is currently trying to learn Japanese.


Scale for Growth


Meet the Team - Nick Jackson