Hygroscopic chemicals to absorb fog (a Pyper Vision good news story)

I was listening to the CEO of Pyper Vision, Emily Blythe, being interviewed on Radio New Zealand this morning, and it struck me how good it is to be a part of a company that is helping innovative thinkers bring their vision to life.

Pyper Vision signed up with HazEL early in our own development. Their technology clears fog at airports. In 10 minutes, they can create over 5k of visibility, which then remains stable for over 2 hours. A game-changer in light of the recent Wellington Airport issues, where over 200 flights were interrupted due to thick, impenetrable fog. The cost [in both time and money] to passengers, carriers and airports will potentially be revolutionised thanks to some clever thinking.

Our role is to provide Pyper Vision with rock solid, current data regarding the hygroscopic chemicals they harness to absorb the moisture from the air.

Small innovations making large impacts. HazEL and Pyper Vision have much in common.


Restrictions roadmap for chemical sustainability


Indoor Contaminants