Meet the Team - Steph Jervis

Stephanie Jervis joined HazEL in 2021 first as a researcher under our Callaghan Innovation R&D grant, and when then was finished, she stayed on as our Special Projects Manager. She has been a key player in multiple publishing start-ups (both in NZ and USA), and was the NZ Manager for the Australasian Zoo and Aquarium Association. She has most recently been enjoying freelance environmental consulting. Steph has a habit of collecting academic qualifications, which now range across science (MSc in Marine Biology), arts and business (Stanford Online GIC iX Innovation Execution Program). She thrives on the multi-disciplinary requirements needed to establish a new company and thoroughly enjoys the chance to both pass on learned experiences and to learn something new. She is grateful to be able to indulge her environmental principles in her work.

Steph loves to travel, and once upon a time accompanied Pygmy tribesmen on a monkey hunt in the Congo Basin. She was somewhat relieved when they were unsuccessful - which was possibly due to her lack of stealth.

She is shown here doing field work recently in Gore, NZ where her stealthy ways made her the talk of the Southland cows.


Quicker, Smarter, Safer


Meet the Team - Garry Mooney