Quicker, Smarter, Safer

The numbers of chemicals available today are mind-blowing. There are so many, that even experts are challenged to get a handle on how many exist. Accordingly, estimates vary widely, yet all are staggeringly large. The current Chemical Abstract Numbers Registry (CAS NR) identifies more than 182 million unique organic and inorganic substances, and this database is updated with approximately 15,000 new substances each day! An article in Nature Chemistry (2020), assessed there were 500,000 new academic papers specific to chemistry and its related fields published each year, and that this number is growing. When confronted with such dizzying numbers, it is unsurprising that we mere mortals struggle to understand even basic issues, like the impacts each individual chemical will have on cancer rates or creatures in our waterways.  

This is the dilemma that we at HazEL are determined to resolve. Such vast numbers must come down to something manageable for the non-expert chemical user. When, as a business, you plug your customised metrics into HazEL, we help you distil the vast number of chemicals down to those that relate to your specific needs. That overwhelming amount of information is reduced to a targeted subset of applicable chemicals, that both effectively solve your issues and do the least harm - and you will not need a PhD to figure it out.

It’s just safer chemicals and better business, smarter. 


Meet the Team - Richard Coomber


Meet the Team - Steph Jervis